Engineered for a cleaner tomorrow

Gensets and CHP

Environ offers Gensets and CHPs (Combined Heat and Power) from biogas and natural gas for energy generation.

In Partnership With

Gensets and CHPs

Environ has the official UK dealership and distributor rights with Sandfirden Technics BV, who are experts in industrial applications for Scania genset engines.

Environ packages these genset and CHP engines in standard ISO containers which are fitted out to a high specification including acoustic attenuation and CHP configuration if required.

As a result of this off-site construction delivery and relocation both become much easier.

We also offer site specific installs including design and manufacture of bespoke acoustic enclosures.

Uses & Applications

Installation & Commissioning

Environ has an in-house team of experts to offer a turnkey installation
including all mechanical pipework into the site’s heating system
and electrical integration into the site distribution.
Our range of services include:


We carry out a full site survey to assess your requirements according to site specific data analysis


Bespoke application design
focusing on the findings of the survey


Built in the UK

In state-of-the-art workshops
with over 100 years combined experience

Using the highest quality
materials and products


Mechanical and electrical
installation and integration
into any site

Control panel building

Building Management Systems integrate seamlessly with CoMap systems

Acoustic attenuation

Designed to run as quietly as possible whilst meeting UK regulations


Specifically made to measure acoustic louvres ensuring sufficient ventilation

Flue system

Exhaust gas emissions meet all regulations


Grid synchronisation
exporting power to the grid

Electrical integration and commissioning

Delivery and lifting

Our fleet of vehicles can deliver and off-load / lift straight to site both nationally and internationally

Service & Maintenance

Environ has an in-house service and maintenance team offering UK and international coverage for equipment supplied and installed by Environ. Environ’s experienced Field Engineers are available for scheduled service work as well as a seven days a week call out service for works out of the planned service cycle. All of our installations have remote monitoring and access capability, and we offer comprehensive service and maintenance packages. Our expert technicians also carry out full engine refurbishments. We are a Motortech ComAp solutions provider enabling us to carryout genset upgrades using Motortech and ComAp controls products.

helping hotels with heat

Heathrow Sofitel

The Arora Group operate a number of hotels and recently replaced an old gas fired CHP unit at the Heathrow Sofitel with two new CHP gensets.
The high base load of heating and power for hotels makes them ideal for gas fired CHP installations.

The project has delivered immediate benefits in operating costs for the hotel, as well as improving the energy efficiency and carbon footprint of the site.

Environ provided a turnkey project, including the removal of the existing unit and the delivery and installation of the new CHP engines on the roof.

After carrying out a comprehensive feasibility study and survey, Environ selected two smaller engines, replacing one larger one and completed the packaging of the CHP gensets at our engineering facility.

We also carried out the full installation and integration with the hotel’s heating and power distribution networks. The installation of two engines improves the availability of the energy to the site as one engine can be off-line for servicing while the other maintains full output.

energy for fruit and veg growers….

Environ can supply Gensets and CHP systems, either as a new build or linking in to your existing systems. 

Growers of more exotic fruit and veg can take advantage of harnessing heat which would have otherwise been lost. In turn this saves  money spent on heating costs. This can also ensure that the growing season for certain fruit and veg, such as tomatoes and strawberries, is extended beyond the usual UK growing period.

R & L Holts tomato growers commissioned “The Glass House Project”  to integrate a steam expander generator to an existing Biomass boiler to provide a Combined Heat & Power (CHP) facility.

The steam expander supplies hot water for the glass house heating system and to offset electrical site loads and export extra electricity to the national grid. R & L Holts testimonial ‘Environ are a very reliable & highly recommended company to provide a CHP facility’.

We can help you achieve a similar result , contact us using the form below for further information or to arrange a site visit.

Find out more about our Gensets and CHP Services